What Susie meant to me….

Created by teefore3 9 years ago
For the last 10 years, Susie has taken such good care of my parents. My Mom is still living, but Dad passed away a few years ago. I live in Georgia, and I'm not able to do all the things for them I would have liked. Susie, DID all those things, plus more to make my parents comfortable in their later years. Not only did she cook, clean, run errands, but she played cards with Mom, and baked cookies for Dad. She did all those things willingly and with a smile on her face. She was my Mom's best buddy - and I am so grateful for that! My family had the pleasure of taking Susie and my Mom to Lake Tahoe a couple of years ago. We had so much fun - laughing, eating, gambling nickels, and stayed in a room with a clear bathroom door (that generated a lot of laughs). I'm so glad I have that memory of that trip with her. She impacted people's lives in such a positive way - bringing so much joy. Susie, I will miss you very much! Love Wilma (Bryan & Jaz)
